Paris Photo New York 2020

Online Viewing Room
Dear Friends,

I want to welcome you to our first Viewing Room. The past year I have been championing the haptic - or physical - experience and encouraging people to go and see photographs, and where possible, to hold them, look at them closely and examine their surfaces and tonality. In so doing we appreciate their physical properties, which is so different for every photograph.
However, this new world we currently find ourselves in has made the haptic experience almost impossible. And so, since lock-down the gallery has been working remotely to produce a new, and we hope, exciting experience for you that contains many new facets that you can explore.
We have photographed the pieces, sometimes in raking light, so as to offer something other than a scan, we have created short videos of some pieces, written personal responses about particular works and artists and unearthed material from our research files. In the coming weeks we will share additional content from our archives, whilst offering further personal insights and material that we hope offers something authentic and insightful about what excites us now and what has sustained our passion for over 30 years.
I do hope that you enjoy our first iteration of the Michael Hoppen Gallery Viewing Room. Please send us feedback as we can only make it better and better if we know what you want to see.
I very much look forward to hearing from you.
Michael Hoppen
April 1, 2020
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