Unknown Photographer

Zona Maco: Featured Artist

In 1925, Mayakovsky, the revolutionary Russian poet, travelled to Mexico en route to the USA.  There he became acquainted with many artists, writers and leftist political figures including Diego Riviera who accompanied him to key sites throughout the country; the monuments of the pre-Columbian past and the artistic creations of the revolutionary present. Rivera said somewhat later that no one in Mexico had previously read Mayakovsky’s verse, they had all heard of him however and come to imagine him as a “red, heroic giant”. Desperate to gain admittance to America he finally managed to get a visa as an “exhibiting artist” and departed. The essay Mayakovsky wrote upon finally returning home became the most wide read document concerning Mexico in the USSR.


This vintage photograph is a rare document of the influential poet’s brief time in Mexico.


One of the artists represented at the Michael Hoppen Gallery booth at this years Zona Maco art fair in Mexico.


Booth E205

3 - 7 FEB 2016

3 - 7 FEB 2016
of 195