Vogue 100: A Century of Style

New exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery

Vogue 100: A Century of Style will showcase the remarkable range of photography that has been commissioned by British Vogue since it was founded in 1916, with over 280 prints from the Condé Nast archive and international collections being shown together for the first time to tell the story of one of the most influential fashion magazines in the world.


This exhibition has been organised by the National Portrait Gallery, London in collaboration with British Vogue as part of the magazine’s centenary celebrations.


Michael Hoppen Gallery represents Tim Walker & Sarah Moon.

For all print enquiries please contact us below.


© Tim Walker, 'Kirsi Pyrhonen on wild yak, Lake Hovsgal, The Mongolian Marshlands, 2011' 

© Sarah Moon, 'Hommage à Bonnard, 1997'

11 FEB - 22 MAY, 2016
of 195