As the age-old saying goes: a picture's worth a thousand words, and in the case of Brighton-based photographer Matt Henry, those thousand words come together to tell a powerful story.
In his series' Short Stories and Blue River Falls Matt places two images beside one another, setting up a beginning and an end, with the gap in the middle just begging to be filled. These simple yet strong images give the audience's imaginations room to run wild. It might sound like he's making us do all the work, but it's extraordinary how quickly these pairings cause a full-length feature film to just spring into your head. Trust me, he's done all the heavy lifting.
When looking through Matt's work, his fascination with America in the 60s and 70s is as difficult to miss as Elvis' pelvis would be to anyone in the front row. But as a 36-year-old, born and raised in a Welsh town amusingly named Mold, it's safe to say he's never experienced the swinging 60s first hand. His knowledge comes purely from his education, and he must have been paying attention because he doesn't skimp on the details. His ongoing project 1964-1974focuses on people, as well as the things around them, to give a fullfledged impression of America at that time, and it's a beautiful impression indeed...