Shadow : terrils d'europe du nord / slag heaps of northern europe
LOCO, 2016
JOHN DAVIES: Shadow : terrils d'europe du nord / slag heaps of northern europe
Publisher: LOCO
Dimensions: 24.5 x 32.5 cm
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9782919507467
£ 30.00

John Davies, the famous English landscape photographer, took his camera to the North of France, just outside Béthunes. This region of France is famous for its mining culture. John was interested in how this area has changed over the years and found the variations of the geography particularly fascinating. In typical John Davies style he captures the history of past industry in epic scenes and subtle tones.


This look at the world of the mine is not new to the photographer. Indeed, in the 1980s, John Davies photographed, especially in Wales, the British mining landscape. A series that had helped to recognise his talent. Thus the construction of this book revisits the history of the photographer, confronting nearly thirty years between the work done in Britain and one performed recently in France. This book also confronts two regions of two countries in which the operation of the mine and the lives around it have fundamentally changed. The book offers up these comparisons to the reader in a bold and beautiful way.


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