From Window

Masahisa Fukase
From Window: Masahisa Fukase
Publisher: Guiding Light
Dimensions: 21.7 x 16 cm
Pages: 40
Sold out

Michael Hoppen is delighted to announce the publication of, 'From Window' by Masahisa Fukase, in collaboration with the Masahisa Fukase Archives. These limited edition books are now sold out here but you can buy the remaining publications at our stand at Paris Photo from Nov 9 - 12. Grand Palais Éphémère, stand D16.


In the summer of 1973, Fukase embarked on a period of particularly intense fixation with photographing his wife, and these pictures are the result of that season of compulsion. Shot each morning from the window of their apartment on the fourth floor of a sprawling suburban housing complex, Fukase captured Wanibe in the seconds as she was leaving their home to start out for her day job at a gallery in Tokyo. This instant became a ritualised moment of encounter between the couple, facing each-other across the threshold presented by the day ahead, with one foot in the home they shared and the other facing out towards a world that lay beyond the confines of their life together. 



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